Recipe: Cold Pink Soup — Or Borscht in a Glass

I love this recipe, which I found last year in “A Platter of Figs” by David Tanis. (Sour Cherry Farm archive post here.)

What’s great about it is that you don’t have to roast the beets first, you just throw them in with some water and spices and then puree them right there in the pot with a stick blender — or carefully put in the blender.

I peeled these with a vegetable peeler:

Sliced and into the pot:

The rest of the ingredients:


Bring to a boil:

Into the blender:


Really push on the solids to get all the liquid out:

Chill. Then before you serve,  you mix it with yogurt. But I never put as much as the recipe calls for because I like to use it as a garnish, too:

Cold Pink Borscht in a Glass

1 1/2 pounds beets
8 cups water
2 garlic cloves, sliced
2 large shallots, sliced
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
2 or 3 cloves
1/2 teaspoon cayenne, or to taste
1 tablespon sugar
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar, or to taste
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper
1 cup whole milk yogurt
Chopped dill or chives, optiona.

Peel and slice the beets, and put them in a large saucepan. Cover with the water and add the garlic, shallots, bay leaf, coriander, cloves, cayenne, sugar, vinegar and olive oil. Add a good spoonful of salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes or until the beets are tender. Check the seasoning of the broth — it should be distinctly sweet-sour, peppery and flavorful. Correct the seasoning, adding salt and cayenne if neccessary and freshly ground pepper.

Puree the soup well in a blender, then strain into a large bowl. Chill in the refrigerator or over ice.

Just before serving, whisk in the yogurt. Taste and adjust the seasoning, adding a splash of vinegar if neccessary. Thin with a little water to achieve the correct thickness — like a thin milkshake.

To serve, pour into small water glasses. Garnish with freshly ground pepper and, if desired, fresh dill or chives.

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