Farmers Market Loot

We took srimp — that’s what we’ve taken to calling her these days, srimp. No “h” — to the last outdoor market of the season in Pleasantville. We stocked up on all kinds of goodies.

Clockwise from lower left: celery, potatoes, apples, frozen blueberries, leeks, Tuscan kale, butternut squash, tiny onions, pea shoots, beets, apple cider, pear cider, celeriac, carrots, Brussels sprouts, garlic, turnips, onions, and, the in the center, pears.

Quite a haul!

Greg calls the photo below “Joni Mitchell shopping in 1973.”

A few more market photos, after the jump.

And, just because, here’s srimp’s little outfit with the pink Ralph Lauren sweater boots gifted by her Auntie Kel.

We’re looking forward to some winter cooking!