Brisket with Kelli and Patrick

The first braise of the season: our favorite brisket recipe, shared with a couple of our favorite people. It’s the kind of recipe you can pull together, even while you’re working. (OK, I was working at home, but still. It’s that easy.)

Sear the meat:


Lay down some onions and top with tomatoes, celery, wine and herbs:lj110213brisket02

Add some carrots later and here you have it:lj110213brisket05

The recipe is here: Joan Nathan’s Brisket.

The guests are here:lj110213brisket06 lj110213brisket08

Flowers from the garden in the vase that Greg made:lj110213brisket10

And Kelli made a terrific apple pie for dessert:lj110213brisket11

Good times.


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