Redecorating the Farm

In preparation for Sam’s arrival, we had to turn the guest room into a nursery. A cascading effect took over the upstairs at the farm, and we ended up with two new dressers in our bedroom, new bookcases in the studio and a couple of new televisions, too.

The bookcase replacement was especially impressive. We went from cluttered and crowded to organized.


That wooden case held more than 500 CDs, all of which are now boxed and ready to be sold to a Web site. I used to keep my cookbooks in vertical piles so tall you could technically call them columns. They’re now easily accessible and neat.

Indeed, the upstairs at the farm has a whole new look. Come along to see befores and afters.

Unfortunately, I don’t really have many befores. The house was such a mess for six weeks before Sam was born I didn’t dare take any photos. But here’s a link to a post that shows the studio the day we got our new blinds a few years ago. We flipped the couches; the long one used to be against the far wall and the short one under the floating shelves. And we flipped the TV position, too. It used to be in front of the window on the left; now it’s under the floating shelves.

Here’s Hunna, assembling the shelves:

We just barely finished. The night before Sam came — indeed, just several hours before labor started — we finally finished putting the new studio together, and Greg laid down to watch the Jets game.

He’s very excited about the new plasma TV:

Here’s a look at when you enter the room. A little crowded, but you can’t help it with how narrow this room is:

Here’s a better photo that shows the layout:

And here’s looking over to the home office:

Fancy new bookcases:

And fancy new TV area:

Eventually, we’re planning on lowering that bottom shelf and hanging the TV from the wall so we can have easy access to the cedar chest to store blankets (or toys?!).

We also had a re-do of the bedroom. Two new dressers, a new TV and a new bedframe and bedside tables. (And yes, Sam’s co-sleeper, too.)

Any suggestions on how to de-clutter the bag storage?

We picked up the bedside tables and frame from the across-the-street neighbor, who was tossing them:

We are very happy with the new setup. I’ll get some photos of Sam’s room, soon, too!


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