Recipe: Green Rice with Curried Tofu

Tofu? Yes. Tofu. I subscribe to this cool web site called No Take Out. When a recipe for Green Rice with Curried Tofu came into my inbox, I was intrigued. I like the fact that tofu is just tofu. It’s not pretending to be anything else. And so I made it. And I really enjoyed it.

The recipes at No Take Out take into consideration that you’re making dinner as soon as you get home from work, and that you’re tired and you want a drink. They always start with: Open the wine.

They also give you a shopping list and a list of items you should have in your pantry. Then they go step by step.

It’s such an unusual way of writing recipes that it’s hard to cut and paste it here. Just take my word for it, and head over to Green Rice with Curried Tofu from No Take Out to see what I’m talking about.

Here are some of the photos from the cooking. Here’s the tofu, simmering:

The rice, boiling:

Blending spinach and herbs for the rice:


And the finished dish, garnished with pistachios for a nice crunch:

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