Sunday Supper at the Sister Outpost

After four nights with Jessica and Kelly, we spent the final evening of our Texas trip at the sister outpost. We saw some bees, ate some tacos, and, afterwards, spit some watermelon seeds. Mae especially enjoyed that part.

After we settled in a little, we got to talking around the living room. Laurie and Stephen, who live right next door, came over, and the conversation turned to bees. We must have talked about bees for half an hour. Finally, someone said, ‘Why don’t we go see the bees?’

Brilliant idea. Let’s go!

There they are!

Stephen talks about his bees:

The girls:

Look at baby Jane!

So we went inside to see some of the other animals Stephen and Laurie keep.


Laurie tries on her bee hat:

Rock it, sister!

So now we’re on to dinner. We decide to get takeout from one of the best taco shops around, El Chilito. Yes, we’ve been before. Check out the Sour Cherry Farm archives by clicking here.

They’re working hard inside, preparing our dinner:

Back at the Sister Outpost, we set the table for supper:

Delishy fish taco and pulled pork taco:

After supper? Watermelon! Mae gets ready to spit her seeds!

She giggles with delight!

Wow! What fun!

A very happy Sunday Supper indeed.