After we got a new dining table last summer, we knew we’d have to replace our chairs. The ones we have just don’t go.
So imagine our surprise when our friend Megan, who’d recently moved into her new house, found a set of Moller chairs on a Facebok tag sale for $200 — and bought them for herself!
I’m joking. Of course she bought them for herself. But after my endless teasing — “boy those chairs would go great with our new table!” and the like — Megan redeemed herself.
She found for us, on Craigslist, a set of 6 Drexel Declaration chairs, vintage to the 1950s or early 60s. Walnut.
Of course, as you can see, they were a mess. M.E.S.S. To get them, Greg drove up to Yorktown, where he discovered that they came out of hoarder’s house of junk. The couple amassed so many things that they bought the property next door. Never lived in it. Just stored all their crap in the house.
But after a bit of research, Greg found this Krud Kutter, and boy does it do the trick. It takes the grime and slime right off. Look how beautiful now.
We’re doing a few at at time; right now there are two in the dining room. Soon enough, though, there will be six. As for that table? Who knows. You may see it on eBay one of these days.
Maybe Megan wants to buy it.