Basement Cleanout!

It’s that time again. SCF just has too much stuff. Where does it all come from? I mean, we just had a Cool Sale two years ago.


It wasn’t enough. So we started dragging crap up from the basement and storing it on the porch in preparation for Cool Sale 2. And one Saturday night, we spent going through boxes.


 Boxes with newspaper clips from more than a decade ago. Who remembers when the big choice for Internet service was between DSL and cable?


Who remembers when Cadillac loaned me a car for a week so I could test its brand new and emerging night vision?


 Who remembers when Gerry Dawes was the restaurant critic for The Journal News, and gave Freelance Cafe 5 stars?


Well, that was one fun Saturday night.


Somehow, we got through most of it.


And it’s not going back in the basement.

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