Spring Garden at Sour Cherry Farm

Happy spring! The bulbs we planted last fall have really turned out great. And today, it was warm enough to plant a few pots, too. Here’s a look around the garden.

An overview from the stair landing on the second floor:


Zooming down in, between the pear tree and the asparagus bed we have our Plum Parade tulip mixture:


Here’s a closeup on one of my favorite blends we bought, the Sweet Musette Tulips — a mix of double, soft pink ‘Angelique’ and the white with purple ‘Shirley.’

Here’s Angelique:


They’re just getting started at the end of April, so I’m hoping we’ll get to enjoy them a little longer into May.


For the pots this year, we did a spike of Dracaena (I know, kind of boring, but…!), purple stock, pink geraniums and white petunias.

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We’re so happy to be outside again.lj042516garden11

A quick check-in on the hollys that Jane gave me in the fall. They’re looking good. And now that we trimmed the big Norway maple above them, they should get a little more sun, and grow a little faster.


The mixed trumpet daffodils we planted near this hydrangea are just about done with their blooms. Also, sad news on the hydrangea. It was warm in March and early April, and it sent out leaves on its existing stalks. Later, a frost came and ruined them. Now, the only growth is coming out of the ground. So. Three years after moving this hydrangea, I have a feeling we will still not get blooms this year.


Ooh! Look what we found!

These orange tulips with purple striped bottoms are stunning. They’re called Princess Irene and we planted them for our friend Irene!

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Here is the creeping phlox we planted a few years ago. It’s going gangbusters!


And, we’re back to our Plum Parade. Things are going well so far, I’d say!



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