A Day in Minneapolis

Despite many visits to Minnesota over the years, we’d never spent a day touring Minneapolis. We had a few hours, so we finally did that. We visited the Walker Art Center and its sculpture garden, saw the Basilica of St. Mary and walked around (in the snowy rain) a couple of neighborhoods.

Sam wanted to see the cherry on the spoon, it is featured in a book she read many times as a toddler: Hello, Minnesota! It was a gift from Ann and Bob.

The actual name is Spoonbridge and Cherry and the work is by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen.

One of my faves was this blue cock.

This looked like a Serra to me, but no. The artist is Mark di Suvero.

There was a whole exhibition on Al Ruppersberg, whose work I had never encountered before.

Back in the sculpture park.



Inside the Basilica:


Crossing the Mississippi:

We popped in to Kramarczuk’s, a fabulous Polish deli:

And poked our heads into Nye’s, a cool retro cocktail bar:


And we drove past the Star-Tribune. Because newspapers.

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