Christmas morning for a seven-year-old! We slept til 9 (go Sammy!) and opened gifts by the fire. Sam got: a LOL doll, a Beanie Boo, a joke book, Squishmallows, binoculars, an Electromagnetic toy kit, a rocket toy kit, a LOT of books and clothes, a chemistry set, a subscription to Kiwi (another kit type thing) and a beautiful James Avery necklace. Boo got a set of handmade block- printed cards. I got a pair of diamond earrings (formerly a ring of grandmom’s) and a necklace so special that I am asking Greg to write a separate post about it. Story to come! Here are our photos.
Good morning! Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Opening presents. This is just the stocking. Squishmallows were the big hit. Sweet girl! Collector’s item binoculars. Present chaos. Good morning! A little of each, please. Line ’em up. Fireside bloodys. Presents, round 2. Grammy and Leighlo! More loot! My new earrings!