A nice Saturday to go to the museum. No particular agenda, just to wander. And so we found ourselves with the ancient Egyptians.
We were seeking William, the hippopotamus.

To the ancient Egyptians, hippos were among the most feared creatures. William was found in a tomb with three of his legs broken, because hippos might be a hazard getting to the afterlife. More on William on the Met web site. And here’s a cool page on his 100th anniversary of being in the Met’s collection.
I was especially taken with the jewelry from ancient Egypt. So delicate and beautiful.

This ring!

Here is Hatshepsut, the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.

Some of you may know that we considered naming Samantha “Hattie,” instead. But, I just didn’t want to do a nickname as a given name. Harriet didn’t seem right. One day, Boo came up with the idea of Hatshepsut. After all, why not name her after a strong woman leader?
A little more on Hapshepsut on the Met website.
Here’s her linage:

Dendur is one her faves.

And we couldn’t resist a quick trip to the American Wing.

And the armor.

Always a grand time.