Ron Breland is an organic beekeeper who lives in West Nyack with his wife, who is a terrific gardener. They make a fine pair! Greg was interviewing Ron for an article on honey and bees for The Valley Table magazine, so I went along.
He makes these fascinating hives, which are shaped, unbelievably, like bees.
A look around the property, after the jump.
Greg interviews Ron:
One of the hives:
The house:
Plants, which they will sell under the Bumps & Co label:
Cold frame:
Looking back at the house with the cold frames and the hives in the foreground:
I had srimp on the Bjorn:
A little walk around:
I get my African Blue Basil from Bumps & Co each year, and it is one of the best performers in the garden. And guess what, the bees love it.