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Sunday Night Supper

Steak, tomatoes and corn. One of the great summer meals, don’t you think? And we started with lemon-thyme gimlets in the orchards by the pear tree.   Related posts: Sunday Night Supper: Mini-Thanksgiving Sunday Night Pasta Supper Sunday Night Supper: […]


Patio Progress: One Front Walks Is Done!

We have one part of the patio finished: one of the brick walks between the garden beds in the front yard. Hurrah! Here’s a look at Greg’s excellent craftsmanship. I’m so proud.   Related posts: Patio Update Patio Update Patio […]


A Beautiful Sunset

The evening sky crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge. So beautiful.   Related posts: Lunch at Harry’s Burritos and a Walk on a Beautiful Day in Nyack What a Sunset Two Beautiful Fried Eggs


Dinner at Dinosaur BBQ

Let’s see: Somewhat near the Cloisters? Delicious food? Kid-friendly? Bingo: Dinosaur BBQ. That is my lovely combo platter with pulled pork, brisket and ribs along with salt potatoes and an iceberg wedge. Man oh man was that delicious. Sam had […]


A Visit to the Cloisters

I’ve been trying to visit the Cloisters since, oh, probably the mid-1990s. Finally. We made it. Very happy we did, especially after seeing the gardens. And the unicorns. The Cloisters is a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Here’s […]


Gallo Nero in Midtown

OK, it’s really called Gallo Nero, or “black rooster” in Italian. But I like my translation. Sarah and I had a fun and fine meal there before seeing “Bring it On.” So, yes, besides the meatballs (which were very good!) […]


Velo and OVI with S&W and K&P

Sarah and Wilson and Kelli and Patrick and I went out for dinner on Saturday night. That was a bad idea. We couldn’t get a reservation anywhere. We ended up at Velo for drinks and then headed to OVI for […]


Art Barge Light Bike Trip

Karen and I did a redux of the Art Barge Bike Trip that Patrick, Greg and I did two years earlier. Well, almost. We didn’t go to the Fellini Fish Farm. And we didn’t actually go to Art Barge. Hence, […]


Afternoon in DUMBO

After Brooklyn Flea and Franny’s, we ended our BDoF in Brooklyn with a walk around DUMBO. What a great view. Here are some pics. Related posts: Grazing at Smorgasburg! Browsing at Brooklyn Flea An Afternoon at Brooklyn Botanic Garden Afternoon […]


The Product for the Patio

Here’s what we’re looking at when it comes to our materials. Multicolored brick and Belgian block: Looks heavy. Related posts: Patio Update Patio Update Patio Update Patio Update


Friends from Far Lands

Greg’s good friend Tony, whom he’s known since college but not seen for 20 years, was visiting New York. They got a chance to catch up, and we got a chance to walk the Highline and have a snack at […]


Patio Update

I’m sorry I missed capturing video or even photos of this, but Greg rented a jackhammer to try to work down that enormous boulder in the center of our patio. Alas, after 4 hours, it’s still not below the sand line […]


Patio Update

The Bobcat has arrived. Yes, Greg is moving all that dirt into a dumpster. Here he is in action: And here’s the dumpster that received all the dirt. What a project this has turned out to be! Related posts: Patio […]


Cooking for One: Lobster Rolls

Lobster rolls, corn on the cob and Doris’ Cucumber Salad. Mighty fine Sunday supper. For my lobster salad, I toss lobster with mayo, lemon juice, a bit of salt and tarragon. Or chives, if you must.   Related posts: Lobster […]


Patio Update

Greg we have dug 60,000 pounds — or 30 tons, if you like — of dirt out of our back yard. It’s all in our driveway at the moment. Once the pit was dug, we also realized that the ground in […]


Recipe: Rote Grütze

A currant pudding, the recipe for which I found in this month’s issue of Martha Stewart Living. How fortuitous, considering we just harvested exactly six cups of currants!  As you can probably tell from the name, it’s a German dish. […]


Saturday Night at Wasabi

Well, she made it. I was surprised, but with only a little whimpering and a little rocking to sleep, Samantha made it through a supper of several courses of sushi. Yes, we sat down pretty early, but still! Tasha and […]


Sour Cherry Galette

Well, it’s been tough to find time do a lot of baking. So this year, looks we’ll have just one sour cherry pie. And even that isn’t up to its usual standards. I’ve cheated and used puff pastry. The only […]

biking, outings

Happy Independence Day!

We had a lovely day to celebrate our nation’s birthday. Boo came up and we went for a long bike ride. Then we had some burgers at the Filing Station (yes, again) and watched a little tennis. Then Greg and […]


Concert in the Park

For our first picnic and concert of the 2012 season, Samantha fared very well indeed. It helps that other people love to take care of her. Thanks Kris! The menu was simple: chicken (Tom’s was excellent so we didn’t even […]


What a Sunset

It looks like the sky is on fire at the farm right now. Too bad about those electrical wires. Though I guess Hopper wouldn’t have said so. Related posts: ‘Edward Hopper, Prelude: The Nyack Years’ and ‘Hopper Happens’ The Farm’s […]


Cooking for One: Egg Burrito

My version of the terrific egg burrito at Mimi’s Plate in Tappan. It’s made with eggs, avocado, cheddar and salsa. Related posts: Cooking for One: Saturday Night Supper Cooking for One: Salad With Chopped Pork and Snap Peas Breakfast at […]


SCF Harvests Currants

We had a bumper crop of currants this year. Gorgeous! Related posts: Garden Update: Currants, Bees, Apples Garden Update: Sour Cherries, Blackberries, Currants, Asparagus, Alliums, Peonies, Irises, Columbine and More Spring at the Farm: Forget Me Nots, Asparagus, Apples, Black […]


Patio Update

Framing is coming along. This is starting to take a long time, though. Right, Sam?   Related posts: Patio Update Patio Update Patio Update Patio Update