Tag: party


Party at Kris and Bill’s!

Kris and Bill threw a Fourth of July barbecue, and the food, of course, was excellent. Marinated chicken. Sausage. Spanakopita. Salads. Unfortunately, I did not photograph said food. I did, however, photograph Bock’s hot dog Tshirt: And Samantha in an […]


Impromptu Party

I had a Friday off. The weather was looking good. I decided to call a few people to see if they wanted to do a pot luck. Then I called a few more. Next thing you know, we had a […]


Happy Birthday James and Otis

A little neighborhood party to celebrate the second birthday of these two adorable little boys. Sally and Nina: Pat, Richard and Katie: “Loosely Pirate themed”L Men: Marjorie and Abby: Time for cake: Katie and Otis: Pat and James: Claire: Cookies! […]


The Annual Forbes Holiday Party

Merry Christmas from Mount Kisco! Our friends Ed and Emily threw their annual holiday party this Saturday before Christmas. A fun time was had by all! Here are a few pics~ Bill, Mary, Brendan and Ed: Liz and Doug: Their […]