A few photos of the view we have while sipping rosé in Adirondack chairs.
Pink phlox:
More cosmos:
This section of the garden needs a bit of help. Cosmos, our new hydrangea, lemon verbena, sage, all vying for space. We’ll be rethinking that next year.
I’m using Sam’s chair as a foot rest until Greg makes me a new one.
Phlox, coneflower, Joe Pye:
African blue basil, transplanted Russian sage (I think it will do OK there), coreopsis:
Another sad garden area. Whatever I had to move around I just threw in there. Looking pretty bad. Columbine is taking over, actually. More coreposis here, too (that little orange one), and lots of weeds. Definitely a work in progress.
Have you ever heard of a volunteer gladiola? I must not have pulled up all the corns, and just look at my reward! Unbelievable!
There are a few, but only two bloomed. The butterfly bush has become a monster! Remember when we planted it? (Click here for the post from 2009!)
Bees are bearding tonight. It’s been brutal outside.
Yay for the garden!