Creamy Mustard Potato Salad with Herbs and Soft Eggs

Little Yukons, fresh eggs from our farmer friend’s chickens, baby herbs from the garden, plus lots of mustard. A delicious potato salad, inspired by Potato Salad with Seven Minute Eggs from Bon Appetit.


I love how the mustard and the soft egg yolks combine to make a mayonnaise-y dressing, but the mustard and herbs really shine through. Delicious!


Creamy Mustard Potato Salad with Herbs and Soft Eggs

Inspired by Potato Salad with 7-Minute Eggs by Bon Appetit

4 pounds baby Yukon Gold potatoes, halved or quartered
6 farm-fresh eggs
2 teaspoons mustard seeds
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons honey
1/2 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons pickle relish
1 cup roughly chopped parsley leaves
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill leaves
1/4 cup chopped fresh chives

Place the potatoes and 1 tablespoon salt in a large stock pot. Cover with water. Bring the water to a boil, then cook potatoes about 7 to 8 minutes, until you can push the tine of a fork into them easily. Remove the potatoes from the water with a slotted spoon or spider, set aside in a large bowl. Bring the water back to a boil.

Bring the water back to a boil. With a slotted spoon or spider, slide the eggs carefully into the water. Set the timer for 7 minutes. Prepare a bowl with ice water. Once the timer goes off, use the spoon or slider to move the eggs from the boiling water into the ice water. After they are cool, transfer them onto a towel to dry.

Meanwhile, toast the mustard seeds in a dry skillet until they start popping. Turn them onto a plate and set aside. In a medium bowl, whisk together apple cider vinegar, mustard, honey, salt and pepper, then slowly add the oil, while whisking, until combined. Stir in the pickle relish.

Set aside 1 teaspoon each of the parsley and dill. Drizzle the dressing over the potatoes until they are covered but not wet (you may not need all of it). Toss gently, then add remaining parsley and dill, salt and pepper and toss gently again. Turn the potatoes out onto a platter.

Carefully peel the eggs and cut them into quarters.  They will be very soft and tend to want to split. If they do, hold one in your hand and use a knife to gently cut the egg. Some yolk may spill out; that’s OK.

Tuck the eggs in among the potatoes and drizzle a little more dressing over the salad. Garnish with chives and mustard seeds and the remaining herbs.

Serves 8 to 10.






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