Cooking, dry brining, gravy making! Getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner.

This year, I did not use a recipe for the turkey. I just salted it. A lot. Then rubbed garlic and lemon zest all over the outside, and threw lemons, rosemary and thyme in the cavity. I stuck some herbs under the skin, too. If I weren’t cooking for my mother, I would have slathered soft butter between the skin and the breast. Then, very much like my roast chicken recipe, I start the turkey breast side down in a 375 degree oven. But for turkey, I just turn it once. (Too hard to balance on its side.) And I give it a nice little broil at the end to crisp up the skin.
The end result was perfection.

Also we worked on the prep for the stuffing recipe. Brioche and chestnut this year. A real winner.

A video on Insta, but just a shot of this pot here.
Later, cocktails and crosswords with Flash.

And, after supper, we kicked off the holiday season right with a showing of “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
George Bailey Kids, Mary! Zuzu’s petals! Newel post