Not far from Narrowsburg and Yulan is a modern marvel — the oldest wire suspension bridge in the United States. It was designed by John Roebling, who would go on to be the engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge.

We walked it, and the former aqueduct on the shore below.

The bridge was built to help transport coal and lumber to the Hudson River by connecting the Lackawaxen and Delaware rivers. Barges were hoisted above the river in a canal of sorts to help solve a bottleneck that had been causing great delays.

Now, of course, there is no river traffic.

Just a few birds.

The Delaware:

On the other side, now, in Pennsylvania.

A big explainer.

We will now look at an obscene amount of photos of Samantha.

After crossing back, we walk along the shore of the Delaware, next to where the old canal used to be.

At the end of the trail are a number of rocks for sitting.