Recent posts


A Night at Lincoln Center

Broadway goes uptown tonight: Kelli O’Hara stars in the King and I, showing at Lincoln Center’s Vivan Beaumont Theatre. Kelli, Boo, Mary and I attending, but Mary leaving before the photo session the courtyard. A wonderful evening all around.    […]


Celebrating at Commerce, West Village

Friends gathered for celebratory meal honoring emerging playwright Leigh Flayton after the reading of her play, “The Generator,” at Cherry Lane Theatre. Kelli, Marissa, Melanie It was, for Leigh, one of those events that brings friends from all parts and times of your […]


Clean Eating Favorites

In a recent article for Arrive magazine, I report on the trend of clean eating. In it, I suggest that the best way to eat clean is to cook. (Shocking, I know!) I also recommend a couple of clean eating […]


Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas

A sense of calm fell over me as I descended into the garden at the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas. Sculpture isn’t usually my thing — not sure why, I guess I just haven’t studied it enough to appreciate it. But gardens […]


Dyeing Easter Eggs!

Using our recipe from last year, and a little help from a new source here — thanks, Mommy Pottamus! — we dyed our Easter eggs with natural dye. Onion skins, beets, turmeric and red cabbage!   Good times. Good eggs. […]


Dinner at the Freelance Cafe

It’s been ages since we’ve been to the Freelance! But we were all dressed up and we couldn’t let our fabulous-ness go to waste, now could we? Irene joined us at the bar for a few bites. A couple of […]


Sage Brown Derby

We’ve had this season-straddling cocktail before, but it’s a good time of year to trot the recipe back out. Enjoy! [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:38] Related posts: Sage Brown Derby Blood Orange Flip New York Sour Ugly Flowers Cocktail


The Porch is Open!

The first somewhat warm day of the year, and we worked outside to clean up and plant garden. We’re not outside celebrating yet, but someday soon! Related posts: The Porch is Open! Open Days Garden Tour: Pretty Penny Choosing Flowers […]


Dinner at Brickhouse in Nyack

A nice evening out with our neighbors Jane and Pat. And a few of the dishes ended up in my review for lohud and The Journal News: Restaurants We Love: Brickhouse, Nyack. Since I’ve already described the food in detail […]


A Foggy Commute Across the Tappan Zee Bridge

A few photos of all the cranes building the new Tappan Zee Bridge, seen through the mist and fog on a rainy morning. Don’t worry, I wasn’t looking through the camera. Related posts: Breakfast at Mimi’s Plate in Tappan ‘MohDanDat’ […]


NYC with Sarah: A Few Pics

What is wrong with me? I spend an entire day with my sister and I don’t take one photo of the two of us together? Much less Greg or Boo or Kristen, the friends we spent the evening with? OK, […]


Red Farm Upper West Side

I loved my lunch at Red Farm Upper West Side! A tuna salad: lots of crunch and salt to balance the sweet, fleshy tuna.   Pastrami Egg Roll. Are you kidding me? Beefy, fatty and lots of heady spice, with […]


From Sunrise to Supper in Nashville

A few photos of my second day in Nashville, mostly spent in training. Early morning sunrise, supper with Gannett colleagues and after-dinner drinks with my new friend Cherrill.   Good times. Related posts: Downtown Nashville: A Walk Hattie’s B’s in […]

restaurants, travel

The Farm House, Nashville

At Farmhouse in Nashville, chef Trey Cioccia cures his own meats, pickles his own vegetables and makes his own vinegar. He gets most of his meat and produce from local farms, and his menu showcases Southern-inspired dishes made with classic technique. […]


Pinewood Social, Nashville

Pinewood Social is most definitely hipster central in Nashville. Look at all these cool cats!  We found a lovely seat on the patio (the patio! it was warm enough!) and got to know a few new friends. My pink lady. […]


NAA MediaXChange Conference 2015

The reason for my trip to Nashville: the Newspaper Association of America MediaXchange conference, and an intense content strategy training program that Gannett arranged through Poynter. Since the theme of this blog is Eat. Drink. Live. (and not work!), I’ll […]


Downtown Nashville: A Walk

Some time to kill before I met my Gannett friends for a reception, I took a nice walk around downtown Nashville. The crowds were pouring out of the Bridgestone Arena after Kentucky won the basketball game (remaining undefeated for the […]


Hattie’s B’s in Nashville

Moments after arriving at my hotel in Nashville — a work trip, fun! fun! — I dropped by bag at the valet and hopped in a taxi headed to Hattie’s. Even at 11:30 in the morning, there was a line. […]


Didier Dumas is Open!

A freak fire destroyed the upstairs apartment (and the roof) at our favorite French bakery eight months ago, and we’ve been waiting, hoping, longing for croissants, crepes and quiche ever since. Finally! Didier Dumas is back in business.   And […]


The Garlic Is Up!

Well would you look at that! The garlic that Hunna planted in October has been keeping nice and warm under a big blanket of snow. Today, the snow is melting. The sun is warming the garden bed. The garlic is […]


A Snowy Walk at the Lake

Finally somewhat warm enough to take a walk around the lake. We needed it. It felt great! Related posts: Rockland Lake Walk A Walk at the Lake A Lazy Sunday and a Walk A New Year’s Walk and Lunch at […]


Baked Lemon Sole

A trip to the fishmonger for salmon, and I came back with two pounds of lemon sole. That’s what happens when you go to the farmers market at 11 a.m.! I don’t remember ever cooking lemon sole, but i had […]


Homemade Pizza

Hunna is on a pizza kick again. Yay for us! This one was made with the Roberta’s dough recipe, but in a sheetpan and topped with Hunna’s homemade sauce and some crumbled sausage. Delishy. Related posts: Roberta’s Pizza at Home, […]


The Commute from Hell

Snow+Rush hour=horrible commute. This one was a doozy. 2+ hours for just 16 miles. Please let this winter end. Related posts: My Worst Commute Ever: 2 Hours and 45 Minutes Long A Snow Day Monday Farm Chores: February More Snow