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Amagansett Day 4: Beach Weather!

Oh frabjous day! Callooh Callay!The sun is out! Morning walk:   Beach baby:   Now that’s how it’s supposed to go!       Related posts: Photos from Day One of the Beach: Amagansett! Day Two Beach Photos: Amagansett! Beach! […]


Amagansett, Evening 2

The weather is still crappy but we mix some G&Ts, get out some board games for the kids, and then head to the beach with jackets on.   Lounging children: The red bag of wine. Related posts: Beach! Amagansett Day […]


Beach! Amagansett Day 1

SCF fans are familiar with the scene. Beach and pool during the day, an early supper, then back to the beach for sunset and wine. Even with some crappy weather, and a big group of friends, it’s no different this […]


SCF Paradisio: Grease!

For the evening’s outdoor movie, we tried a musical! Leah, Irene, Kris, Tom, Shannon and Tasha joined us, and we sang along, rather loudly, I must admit. By the time Sarah and Laurie joined us toward the end of the […]


Harvest Report: Red Currants

Just a little over 2 pounds this year. Not nearly as good a year as 2013, when we got 6 pounds, but we’ll take it. Planning on making the same Red Currant Jelly as last year. I don’t see the […]


Maloaa’s Birthday Party

Ashley and Amol invited us over to celebrate Maloaa’s third birthday. A sweet little party with a kiddie pool, a hammock and some delicious cake. Here are a few pics:   Related posts: Matt’s 40th Birthday Party at the Pearl […]


The Nyack Car Show

Just about everybody in town took a pre- or post-dinner stroll downtown to see the third annual Nyack Car Show. It was bigger than ever this year, with cars parked all along Main Street between Franklin and Broadway, and in […]


The Sour Cherry Pie of 2014

Looks like we’ll just have one pie this year, but God it was a good one. A little change from my recipe: I did not have any almond extract, so I added Amaretto instead.  I used about six cups of cherries this […]


Pickled Sour Cherries: Recipe

With such a small sour cherry yield this year, we decided to savor the little we picked, so we made garnishes out of our precious harvest. We found this recipe for pickled sour cherries in Cooking in the Moment: A Year of […]


The Sour Cherry Harvest

What a sad, sad year. After last year’s nearly 20 quarts of sour cherries, we were lucky to get one small quart of cherries this year. (See Greg describing last year’s harverst in this post here.) Here is the lame, […]


No-Cook Pickles: Baby Carrots and Turnips

No-cook pickles! Use for any vegetables you wish to pickle. Best part: it doesn’t heat up the house on a hot summer day. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:3] Related posts: Recipe: Watermelon Rind Pickles Vegetarian Bibimbap Recipe: Pickled Garlic Scapes Recipe: Sugar Snap Pea-Radish […]


The Blueberry Harvest

Everything’s coming in at once now! Currants, blueberries, cherries! Blueberries ripening: The first round of blueberry harvest! Yum.    Related posts: Greg Describes the Blueberry Harvest The First Blueberry Harvest of 2011 at Sour Cherry Farm Cocktail Recipe: Blueberry Caipirinhas […]


Black Currants Harvest

The farm enjoyed its best harvest of black currants ever this year, with about 2 quarts. Our plan for the harvest: cassis! We will update as we make it. Previous black currant coverage here. And here on our archives. Related posts: […]

Wheatberry Salad Zucchini and Snap Peas

Wheat Berry Salad with Zucchini and Snap Peas

  We’ve been making grain salads for a couple of summers now, and we’re converts. Yes, grain salads are the new potato salad. And, like potato salads, they are endlessly adaptable. Make grains. Make vegetables. Toss with herbs, nuts or […]


The Farm Gets a New Ride

It’s official. We got a wagon. And I have to say, I love it. The car, a 2002 Volvo wagon, has personality! Plus, it’s luxurious, even though it’s old. Leather seats, sunroof, the works. We stumbled upon it. Knowing we’ll […]

garden, shopping

The Farm Gets a New Tractor

Well, not really. But will a cordless electric mower do? Hunna is very happy. Related posts: Redecorating the Farm Halloween at the Farm New ‘Nick and Nora’ Cocktail Glasses at the Farm Sunday at the Farm: Hot Dogs and Hydrangeas